High Blood Sugar/Diabetes

High Blood Sugar/Diabetes

Diabetes is a long-term (chronic) illness that affects how your body converts food into energy. The majority of the food you consume is converted by your body into sugar (glucose), which is then released into your circulation. Your pancreas releases insulin when your blood sugar levels rise. In order for blood sugar to enter your body's cells and be used as energy, insulin functions like a key.

When you have diabetes, your body either produces insufficient insulin or uses it improperly. Too much blood sugar remains in your circulation when there is insufficient insulin or when cells cease reacting to insulin. That may eventually lead to major health issues including renal disease, eyesight loss, and heart disease.

Although there is currently no treatment for diabetes, decreasing weight, eating well, and exercising may all be very beneficial. 

Additional actions you may do to help your condition:

  • Use medication as directed.
  • Obtain guidance and information about diabetes self-management from our medical professionals.
  • Schedule and attend medical appointments.

Call # 833-6-AFFORD or Message us:

Please submit a comprehensive explanation of your symptoms to better prepare for your treatment.*

* If its an emergency , please call 911 or go to nearest Emergency Department.